Sunday, April 3, 2016

"North Korea...I hope they never make it on the App Store." -Nico
Oh, you wily tangerine
in a sea of clementines

Monday, December 14, 2015

Sven at the beach

Jacob Riis Park, 5/30/2015

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

New York Sunset, 11/22/15

We left the sauerkraut spot and found ourselves enveloped in this otherworldly light.

Nassau & Manhattan, changing fast.

McCarren Park

"Do you think I'm an alto or a saxophone?" -Pam

Monday, November 30, 2015


Easy, breezy skies presided over central Jersey on Saturday evening. It was nice to grow up with this quiet place across the street. 

New Music

I've posted a couple of new demos on my SoundCloud page. "Slanted Blades" has been in the works for quite some time, a kind of back-to-nature tune. "The Light Fantastic" is about a night on a magical beach on the Olympic Peninsula this past summer. Please let me know what you think.